A little chili
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A pepperonly pizza!
Because pepper makes them sneeze!
it's the one that's jalapeo business!!!
Because pepper makes them sneeze
He received a Sunkist from his Crush
Season's greetings!
Because they're jalapeno business!
He thought it was Coke!
Occupational hazard.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Cheech Marinade!
If you don't cool down, I'm going to get jalapeno business
A seasoned veteran.
She says, "Pepper."
They always get jalapeno business!
When he's jalapeno business!
It gets jalapeno face.
Salt and Pepper shakers
The University of Minnesoda
A seasoned traveller.
They conducted an in-turtle investigation.
They found her head and shoulders under the steering wheel.
A zebra.
The guy who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand and a dozen donuts.
Because of hispanic attacks..
An Ester Bond
Humans miss Harambe.
The kind of soldier that's always shooting his mouth off.
Because once someone told him to get a long little doggie.
A Wienerschnitzel.
He's jalapeno business
Cuz he's jalapeno .business
Harriet Tubman was a heroine to the slaves, but the Red Hot Chili Peppers were slaves to heroin.
Me: We're putting Harriet Tubman on something that enslaves us all today.
He over 'd