Sorry, I overwrote your order. :-)
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Unzip my pants and ask big bird
I'm often asked by people: "Why are your eyes covered in ketchup " So I tell them it's because Heinz sight is 20/20.
I reply "Taxes."
Duty. Honor.
Who's asking
I asked. He replied, "A Major engineering feet."
Mr. Salad asks. She replies, "It doesn't matter to me, just be well dressed."
asks the desk lady. "I'm addicted to quack."
None, because they keep on asking why all of the other light bulbs in the house aren't being changed at the same time.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Why are you asking me that question Can't you see I'm busy!
Just two. One to politely ask and the other to politely help.
'Can I join you?'
Bartender says, "here, but I’ll need that back in an hour!"
I told her 'No, thanks. The carton works fine.'
Quit being nosey.
Because Rudolph is the only deer leader at Christmas.
They don't tell you
A school teacher tells you to spit out your gum, a train says choo choo.
Under his buccan-hat.
Kid asks, "Where are your buccaneers?" Pirate replies, "They're under my Buccan Hat!"
points to dead cactus*
At some point they'll both be laid by a Mexican.
Ground beef
Chip of Fools !
Because he's nobody's fool!
Because they cantaloupe!
Because he planned to blow up a plane.
The pirate says "ARRGGHH! It's drivin' me nuts."
ARGHH! You're driving me nuts!"