The Carpet store
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
I haven't had hard wood in 15 years.
Java and JavaScript are similar in the same way car and carpet are.
Because more alcohol is the solution to all problems.
Carpet bombing.
A carpet.
A Rug's Life.
Underlay! Underlay!
It's the world's quietest pervert.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Carpet burn
A: A carpet.
Out, damned spot! Out, I say!"*
Don't move -- I've got you covered.
He wanted to see the floor show !
Crackers always leave crumbs.
He wanted to watch the floor show. And why did he cover it back up ...He realized that he didn't want to watch the "hole" show.
Carpet !
One's a crustacean and the other is a crushed Asian.
Ironman is a superhero, Ironwoman is a command.
Because they don't C#.
Because they use a strongly typed language.
The tomato was in a can.
Because you can't bury them in trees !
The rest are hunting peckers.
Alan RIPman
He enjoys the taste of Doctors Without Borders.
My Boss: This is inappropriate Me: Your skin is so... My Boss:*Turns off shower* OUT!
Okay, sometimes alcohol is the answer.
They both form a bond in seconds, last (ideally) forever, and are dissolved by alcohol.
Up, yours " "No need to be like that I was only asking"