Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
This club can't even handle me right now
You weed out the rest
He never got banned.
The vegan club
Because clubbing isn't any fun.
The PGA tour.
They both get clubbed by Norwegians...
They got new fur coats.
They go clubbing.
A club sandwich with extra beets.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
They torque it..
Because he didn't want to go clubbing.
Never tell anyone what are you so mad about
Black lights matter.
There's none, both like clubbing.
I am in bed and thinking about you ... And you my dear - I am at a club ... And sitting right behind you!!
You don't talk about fight club.
Sometimes you start out all hearts and diamonds, but end up wishing you had a club and a spade.
They are making clubs like the KKK The other 99% are hidden here making bad jokes
I heard the clubs are to die for.
Join the club.
They are always a bit METEOR!
A sub routine.
An extroverted Techie looks at *your* shoes when he's talking to you.
I just came back from the beauty salon.... Husband - Well. Was it closed
Because that sort of information is on a knead to know basis.
Cancelled Czechs.
For the chance to gain some experience in the service.
The seals says, "Anything but a Canadian Club."
Anything but Canadian Club..
All four people are happy.
She told people to stop patronizing her.
I've already got that the frog called our car club to get toad, but that's about where my puns end.
A: One of them is organized.
One has standards.