If it doesn't make you look smart, it's blunt.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Buy high sell higher.
It was the pot calling the cattle back.
High Street, of course.
The steaks were getting too damn high.
Double jointed.
He was running on fumes.
They are both green and get smoked in bowls!
The "steaks" get higher
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
My Mexican neighbor
Blunt Trauma
Cheech Marinade!
He Shanghai.
Because the steaks were too high!
Because the pot was calling the cattle back and the cows went back to the marijuana field.
Both of them smoke the leafs
High steaks! (I'll just see my way out...)
A guy who is up all night wondering if there is a dog.
A person who stays up all night wondering whether or not there is a dog.
The night before a test.
1. wets toothbrush 2. puts toothpaste on toothbrush 3. wets toothbrush again 4. does backflip on to huge pile of money
One-a two-a three-a four-a another-a ...
Because he didn't have the thyme or the plaice.
They both look good hanging from a tree
A: It was an oakcident.
Because Chernobyl fallout.
Baking soda.