It's the most basic drink there is.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
The line to Starbucks.
Astrology, cosmetology, and a pumpkin space latte
Ground and federal expresso
You don't see literature majors calling themselves Starbucks baristas
Because it's black. Sorry.
He buys it from Starbucks...
A Terrista
A flat white.
You can't gentrify this place! I just moved here!"
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because they can't even.
Show me your brews!"
Star*bucks. Sorry.(
slides off Uggs & infinity scarf inside Starbucks* *buys a bonsai tree*
Half calf
There's Starbucks next to the headstone.
Basic Math
You'll never forget her name.
Because white girls cant even
With Starbucks!
It's beer pressure.
Waiter: Don't ask me. I only laid the table.
A two-torial!
Cause love is what I got
Because he was in de-nile
He brews it.
It only takes one to ruin a neighborhood
A sound-proof cabin so I can sing every rap lyric regardless of the neighborhood I'm driving through.
It's an ill-eagle activity
They don't believe in higher power.
In a math book I can buy 57 papayas at $1.99 each and no one will care.
This joke...
For the love of everything sacred on reddit please do not make me actually key the answer....okay, let's say it together, "Salad Shooter".