Whats black and screams? Stevie Wonder answering the iron.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
He answered the iron.
Stevie Wonder answering the iron.
They both were recently ironed.
The telephone rang while she was ironing.
He answered the iron
Stevie Wonder answering the iron
She answered the iron.
You haven't AG-ed a bit.
Stevie Wonder when he answers the iron.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Because they're hard to iron.
It makes it possible for them to go from hole to hole with an iron in their hands.
Ray Charles answering the iron
A: It's difficult to open the legs of an ironing board.
Nobody wanted to draw his iron.
Ring him while he's ironing...
Lithium and Iron
Because it's good ferrous.
The phone rang and she answered the iron. Why did she burn her other ear They called back.
A smooth operator!
The ferrous wheel
A drip dry elephant !
The phone rang while she was ironing!
Porque es FeO Little bilingual chemistry joke for you guys.
A: Depressed.
Because he wanted to see him Sulfur.
An ironing board.
Stevie Wonder, answering the Iron.
I've never had a garbanzo bean on my face before.
I've never paid to have a lima bean on my chest.
A FEline.
A stillborn
M and a tiny mute in your tuna sandwich screaming for help? One melts in your mouth, one mouths in your melt.
A: Once when you tell it once when you tell her the punchline and once when she gets it.
About Warf speed. My mom made this joke up last night at a bbq party. She likes to think she is funnier on holidays. Thanks, Mom.
The cannibus
He took his icicle
A mute telling a deaf guy that a blind guy saw a paraplegic running behind a bald guy while grabbing his hair.
A: Half a centipede.
She has no legs
Idk, but they sure are hot.
By opening the car door.