They ketchup.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A spanking
A tomato in an elevator
A tomato in an elevator.
What did Bacon say to Tomato? "Lettuce get together"
I rest my queso.
Because it saw the salad dressing
Nice pits."
You're a fun guy"
what's tomato with you !
Couple's Daily Question Mug
The tomato is red.
A tomato in an elevator :)
The tomato was in a can.
A: Catch up.
Both are red,except from the potato.
Lettuce get together!
Nothing, as tomatoes lack any ability to communicate.
Because he picks his ears!
A receding hare line!
Jail break.
Down for the count!
COLIN! Duh!!!
Because they have a queen. If they had a parliament, they would have had nothing.
Because it never gets old.
Neverland Ranch.
She saw the salad dressing.
It meant the fall of Turkey, the ruin of Greece, and the breakup of China.
Business kept falling off!
Little Seizures.
If they're black, they can't feed a family.
Boy: No Girl: I'm The Principal's Daughet. Boy: Do You Know Who i am Boy: Good (Walks Away)
Walking....J.K . Rowling