Because women love digging up the past.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because loves digging up the past.
A Bark-aeologist
Make way, children.
Some old stuff just got dug up
In the garden. -But I don't see her. -Oh, you just have to dig a little.
Love doesn't burn. What's worst part about making love to a dead baby. Digging up the coffin. How long does take to play hide and seek with a dead baby? It depends how small the pieces are.
A paracetamole!
Tell her you're a paratrooper. Chicks dig that kind of thing."
Because they never dig up daddies.
By hiding the shovel in the shed/garage
Couple's Daily Question Mug
It goes pretty smoothly until you start hitting the rock.
Digging for booty.
A Barkeologist.
You first dig a hole, second, you fill the hole with ashes, also throw some peas in there. When the elephant stops to take a pea, you kick it in the ash hole.
Anyone he could dig up.
Bury-toes. Hah hah
A Barkaeologist.
Because they love digging up the past.
Chicks dig stars.
A minor
The ancient stuff the archeologist digs up is useful.
They had pith helmets.
When the (w)hole job's done.
Take his spade away.
The stepmother, because sometimes you want to hit her, even though you shouldn't
Mention feminism.
Minus one.
You will see one later and one in a while.
She had gotten him out of a tight spot before.
Mountains peak.
Kylo Ren: *takes off his mask to reveal his real face* Rey: Wow. Put the mask back on.
A Labrador Deceiver.
So it's a shorter drive to Toronto!
It must have fallen through a crack.
The king you have inside you SIMBA: That doesn't make sense. I think I'd remember if I ate a king.
I don't know. Neither did she!
It never happens just once.
Having to drop the bomb on them twice before they get it.