Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
They don't work in the future either.
Termigator (jesus christ this one's even worse than the last)
They Hire 'Em A Biff!
A calendar has a future...
Medium Pizzas
because they are set in the future.
With a magic 8-ball
Couple's Daily Question Mug
The lightbulb works fine...
He buys two cases of beer instead of one.
The iPhone Ayyyye-t
I was just wondering about how many jokes today maybe irrelevant 100 years into the future. To test this theory, what are the oldest recorded jokes?
Boy: I'm you from the future.
Just one, but doing it will make them think they're going to be an electrician in the future.
A four-chin teller.
The future
Because it's the future
A 4chan teller.
They are clearly the present. Old people are the future.
because their future is so bright
ME glaring at Cheryl, who took the last donut: idk, maybe don't hire Cheryl
Plastic Surgery.
I'd autotune him out. :)
They won't work in the future either.
Because it's the future.
Rocket Farts.
they have too many ohms to be good conductors.
I'm two tiered. I came up with this at 1am, enjoy.
Whom Whom Whom Whom
Release it on TIDAL
They were too far out.
Because they reject setian.
Son: I don't. She told me to sit up the front for the present and then she didn't give me one !
I don't know, he hasn't opened his presents yet.
His vision was based on movements.
Santa stops after three hoes.
An illogical situation imagined by a child.
A child with pitchfork in his back