You might get a hole in one.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
He plays golf.
Parfour Sorry
Because all the other fore letter words were taken (Thanks to ... this now makes sense...)
Because women can't drive.
In case he got a hole-in-one!
Because it's not the same three holes over and over again.
When they get a hole-in-one they write down *zero* on the scorecard.
It makes it possible for them to go from hole to hole with an iron in their hands.
Because it would be really awkward asking what their handicap was.
In case you get a hole-in-one (stolen from some girl at school)
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because it had the wrong Driver
It's the only activity where you actually aim for the hole under 18 and you don't go to jail.
Because it's too much like work what with all of the lying involved.
They don't know how to drive.
To golf the golf ball size hail and catch the baseball size hail
A: Depends on how many were photographed.
In case you get a hole in one.
A paredvark!
One is a hunt on a course.
Join the club.
Just in case you get a hole in one.
He uses the best ingredients.
Tiger Woods has a better driver.
I'll tell you guys tomorrow
My favorite is: "There's a maniac living in our neighborhood. He goes house-to-house leaving severed body parts on the doorstep. He gives me the willies."
New Jersey
Delaware) A. Her New Jersey
By moving the show to a "true crime" channel and calling it "18 Victims and Counting".
The ultra sound guy. And who covers when hes off sick The hip replacement guy.
Burger King didn't cover his whopper.
You should drop another one, then you would have a pair.
A pair of ankles
The PGA tour.
This is the end.
A man will spend 20 minutes looking for a golf ball.
When it's been sliced.