Their only hit was Don't Stop Bereaving.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
The drummer.
Nobody would name their band Pearl Jelly.
The Dead Kennedys.
The 4Skins
Rolling Stones
Super Barrio Mothers
System of a Downs My Chemical Imbalance. Youth In Asia
They Bonded over lunch.
Rock Band for the XBOX 360
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because you didn't ask him what band he's in.
Because the drummer locked himself in the car with the keys.
Because he couldn't tuna piano!
because he had two Drumsticks.
They just wanna be loved by ewe. Made up this joke/pun at work the other day (I'm sure I'm not the first), decided to subject you all to it. All apologies to shepherds who are not physical with your sheep.
Because he didn't wake him up before he went went. It's , people.
A song called "My Corona"
Most members of the band haven't been in a Porsche.
A StayGosaurus
The Drummer
Don't stop, bereaving!
tink about it. Gai lan, gai lan... gai lan, gai lan, and gai lan. (thanks to Chapelle show skit((making the band)))
Because he brought his own drumsticks
from crowd look at the one guys hair! LMFAO *they look at each other*
Because they couldn't get a gig.
Cis-tem of a Down
The former is a band of cunning runts...
They all lost their hearing
Hey guys, why don't we try one of my songs "
Moody Blues
A crocstar
It wood rock.
carry ooooooooonnnn, carry ooooooonnnnnnnnnn
They haven't had a gig yet.
All the mammaries made me want to go back there!
me: looking over desk for ideas Inbox(29)
Ponies! -Dude, we're a heavy metal band. -Satanic ponies!
They haven't got a gig yet.
He could never hit his kids.
The harder you hit it the more English it picks up!
A round of applause ...because they all have the clap.
A sheep that can round itself up !
Owls personally prefer the track list of Rock Band 2. Just a solid game.
Ching Chong
Failure to pull out in time
A: None. They have a machine that does that now.
He won't stop banging at the door.
Bereave it.
Journey - Don't Stop Bereaving.
A Standing Blow-vation.