With a crow bar.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
The boy next door said I look just like you What did you say Nothing he's bigger than me !
Answer : "Those Girls Who Don't Trust The Imagination Power Of A Boy"
He wanted to see how long he slept.
Bouncing on a buoy (boy)
The boy stumbles: "Well euhm ... nothing I guess." "Thanks, I'll have 2 million drops then"
A: He wanted to sing higher!
Because he just came to pick up his little sister.
Introduce a boy with Down's Syndrom to Jerry Sandusky.
Son: Boys are gathering into our yard! Dad: ...How many boys Son: All of them... Dad: MY MILKSHAKES!
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
His dad answers, "Well, there's a vas deferens!"
To look more like their mom.
Because people kept toasting him!
Boy: My wife & 2 kids.
Kid:Don't poop your pants M:I was gonna say "have fun" but...OK.
Because choir boys can't get pregnant, thank God.
Because the testicles
Fall Out Boy
At the butcher shop, where they sell kid-knees.
A condom.
New GF: *sees me playing accordion* He died
Cancer. ( )
He wanted to have a birthday potty!
Fall out boy
He heard that you have to stamp letters or the post office won't send them.
Because it said, Concentrate.
An armed robbery on 5th "Timmy's stuck in a well "
The boy responds "Because he closes his eyes when he kisses me."
It was for 'tick or tweet' !
Dough-nuts (South Park reference again just spreading it).
They both have boys pants half off. I'm going to hell lol
Pupil : I don't know Teacher: Correct !
A: They are the only ones who erase their notebook when the teacher erases the board.
I'll post the answer tomorrow.
Answer: Well, the Vikings didn't kidnap the ugly ones...
Damn, son. It's about time!
Fine. They will just be burnt on one side.
When she starts winning arguments with you inner-voice.
A: The English cat. Un deux trois cat sank.
When the chips are down!
They take drastic measures.
They were all Nervous-Rex
Girls: You Should be on TV for your talent. Boy: Am i so good ..... Boy : if you were on TV, i can atleast switch it off...
A rover-dose
A: Mustard. (It's good for a hot dog.)
Chair you go again asking more questions !
Because it's this answer to every question you ask them. "Did you hear about the President's new policy on... " "I don't even OWN a TV!"