ME: Probably all of them BOSS: What do you mean ME: Well, like for example, pickle
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
I just type the words into Google and see if it corrects me.
Post office.
Miscarriage. This joke never gets old, just like the baby.
Me: Words Him: Can you say more Me: More Him: Me: I'm also good at directions
A mega-bite !
Firetruck. The answer is Firetruck.
Because they've forgotten the words !
Couple's Daily Question Mug
I'd prefer if you included tigress
Neither of us know the words to any of her songs
You're part of a three-man space crew orbiting Earth. You can ONLY relay one, one word message in 2 seconds. Whats the word
I said, "I Excel at it." He replied, "Was that a Microsoft Office pun " I was like, "Word."
A: The thesaurus.
Think about it.
The first words are, " Jose can you see "
Because 5 was a Registered Six Offender. Edit: a word.
Cash or Czech Edit: a word
Idk, accordion to research I guess.
Did your manners die too Use your words!
Police police police police police police police police police police police.
A: "Nobody's perfect!"
You are the banner of my existence.
S'cuse me, while I kiss the sky...*
A: Play ball.
Because actions speak louder than words.
and the angel said, "He's at IHOP for never-ending pancakes" and they were like, "Word."
A: Post office.
Seizure salad. edit: fixed the word 'call'
Smiles - because there is a mile between the first and last letters
Aladdin the street wants a word with you !
A. You can't believe a word either one of them says and they both last about 30 seconds.
WIFE: He replaces words with animal names just to annoy me ME: I don't do it on porpoise
Only one; But it takes a WHOLE E.R. room to extract it afterwards. Double joke! "whole... hole." it's a play on words ;)
Before was was was was was is.
It's because they don't know the words.
You don't speak English fourchette!
An AE I.O.U. P.S. Im proud of this one :3
He got Lemonaids.
Because the only one that had a dream was shot.
Kurt and Rod
They have no legs to pull !
There are 48 heads in her box - of course shes happy!
Today sure was ruff" Read that today on my university's art wall and made me smile a bit , thought i'd share it :P
He's still there.
It's smoking a cigarette.
It reads "Small medium at large."
I enjoy people watching. - The most relaxing thing for me is singing in the shower. - I know.
You get the feeling that you've Reddit before.
The conductor.
It's finger licking good.
Because he used a non-stick pan.