Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
He can't run away from his responsibilities.
Neither of them has anything going on below the waist.
But we'll never know, because he can't stand up?
His shoulder.
Stephen Hawking in a house fire.
If you repair both, the E-Wheelchair is the only thing running again
Stephen Hawking's personal gym.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Stephen Hawking
An Animal, a Vegetable, and a Mineral.
Stephen Walkin
He writes scary stories.
He never changes his position.
Cause he can't do stand-up.
Stephen Hawking's
Because it's a stairway to heaven, not a ramp.
He knows a lot about black holes
Stephen Talking.
Because he has his own shoulder to cry on. Edit: all credit goes to /u/Earleebird who posted it in a comment in /r/oldschoolcool
Because he's white.
Stephen Hawking after a house fire.
Stephen Hawking.
Stephen Hawking doesn't walkie or talkie.
Hot wheels (First joke, hope you like it.)
Stephen Hawking - unplugged
His left shoulder
Stephen Hawking after a housefire.
Sir, that's Stephen Hawking."
but we would never know because he couldn't stand up
He held his teacher at gunpoint and forced her to give him a good grade despite the fact he got an F.
Piece of cake.
By walking. J.K. Rowling...
Because he fell down a stairs and his dad definitely didn't break his legs.
Steven Hawking after a house fire.
Their wheelchair floats to the top.
A small child paralyzed from the waist up.
The nearest ISOBAR!!
a handshake!
What's up Doc ' Check for bugs in your system.
A dia-beetle