Because he was low crab of course.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A reflex of course.
The mare, of course
Go chuck itself of course.
With clickbait, of course!
In the library of course. They're for shelf-defense.
High Street, of course.
Its one direction of course.
Bottom of the fifth, of course.
the egg, of course. Isn't that what I just said?
A pilot of course.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Only one of course, as we are highly efficient and have absolutely no sense of humour.
An elefanatic, of course.
Well an erection of course.
Popcorn, of course!
A drizzly bear, of course
Park in it, of course.
Looking for a lost golf ball is a hunt on a course.
Dr. Dre, of course.
Free of charge, of course.
ARRGGHH" (R) Your response = (in a pirate voice of course) "You'd think it'd be the ARRGGHH but it actually be the SEA!!! (C)
Three... The one on the left The one on the right And of course, the Final Front Ear
He charges a calligra-fee of course!
A mew-tineer! And what do you call a genetically altered cow A moo-tant, of course!
Me: Salty...of course *slaps down $20 CG: We'll take two pretzels with salt Get outta the gutter pervs
A Chef of course...
Why NONE of course, they prefer to remain in the dark!
they drop acid of course
With the Ham-Lick maneuver of course
Pizza of course! If z = radius of the pizza and a = the height then * radius2 * height = Pi * z * z * a = Pizza.
A Shilling, of course.
He thought it would help him with his hit detection.
Second fella says "A kilt of course!" First fella "What's the tartin " "She's wearing white" says his pal
A pilot, of course.
The babies of course, you can use a pitchfork!
The ones in the mail of course!
She replied: "with scissors of course."
Because every morning they wake up thinking "What *is* that noise Oh, right, *of course* !"
I always loved this one: (works better said out loud of course) What do you call a fish with no eyes ... A FSHHH
Sting operation, of course!
Basket-ball of course!
Our chef. He's a little green man who lives in a toadstool. What did he use to make it Elf-raising flour of course.
At the whale weigh station of course.
Angel food cake of course!
With ConCurrency, of course.
When you end up moving to South Korea, of course!
Faux pho fo' foe. Served cold of course. I also doubt Snoop has many enemies.
On ChinkedIn of course. (I know the pun is racist but I had to share. Sorry.)
Shellular*, of course...
A. FireWeb .... of course!
One is a hunt on a course.
The lavatory, of course!
NO MATTER WHERE YOU GO...there you are
They're both ash-holes.
A: A moron kept trying to shoot himself.
Because it's mom was a wafer so long.
my girlfriend who's a high school teacher heard this from a student the other day) Q: What do you call a cow with 3 legs? A: Lean Beef Q: What do you call a cow with no legs? A: Ground Beef Q: What do you call a cow with 2 legs? A: Your mom
Because in charge of directing, Yoda was
Because 6, 7 8.
What is Green...and Smells Like Pork? Kermit the Frog's Finger!!
Red paint! Whats green, and smells like red paint Green paint :) Can't believe how many time I switch to the second, and they don't get it!
Because if his punch line doesn't work, you still get a kick out of it.
A: It takes two. One to change the bulb and the other to kick the switch.
A: But you cantaloupe!
They're both off and running.