To match their hipster owners' jeans.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
So the dishwasher matches the appliances
Because he doesn't carry any matches!
Awkward is finding your mom on Tinder, awful is matching with her
Because they rain supreme.
So the dishwasher matches the rest of the appliances.
When you left-swipe, all of your matches go up in flames.
Matching uniforms.
A Curtis-y flush
To match the rest of the household appliances.
So the dishwasher matches the washing machine
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
He wanted his new dish washer to match his fridge.
Because he wanted his dishwasher to match the fridge and stove
Paraffin and matches.
You're fired!
It didn't match with the Iron Curtains.
So the dishwasher can match the refrigerator and stove
They're lit.
Ref: The rest of the match !
A: One strike, and they're out.
Game, *Set,* and match.
Fire Quackers
A match made in Heaven.
Take all the matches out first !
The matches are made for adults, but kids constantly grab'em and play with them. The situation is quite opposite with breasts.
Batman: So we match. Look, this isn't about me.
Soak it in petrol and put a match to it. (This is a joke, not and instruction, Reddit)
A match maiden heaven
You have to strike them against a rough surface to get them to work.
Cuz the dishwasher should match the stove and the fridge
No matches founds
Because only Hugh can prevent florist friars.
So the dishwasher matches the stove.
It's a match made in Heaven!
A: He's the one with the belt buckle that matches the impression in her forehead.
A matching one for the other side of the bed.
Soak it in gasoline, hold a match up to it, and "woof!"
A: Their match wouldn't light.
Because it is good for the dishwasher to match the stove and refrigerator.
Good jab.
A: Make sure one is a match!
Someone who's lost his way to the match.
Cover it in lighter fluid and throw a match at it: "WOOF!"
The match
A: It matches their mustaches.
Cause it doesn't want to be latte. Sorry. I just came up with this lame joke. Downvotes ahoy!
Well, you know what happened last time they picked a race...
Because it's Boxing Day!
Wow!! Donut seeds!!!!
They really look like adults, especially the 20-years old
Monarchies have reigned there for centuries.
They're a-Brew'in!
Pay for the pizza
My pizza jokes *can't be topped!*
Because it was a fowl.
Fowl play !
He didn't understand the gravity of the situation.
me, to other drivers on the road "What are you doing, idiot " me, to myself, in all other situations
A football match !
A football match.......