The real joke is always in the comments!"
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A redditor
Wow, this blew up!
They both sleep all night and whack all day!
From a well, actually
Give me the gif of it.
Because loves digging up the past.
The Holocaust.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Voat manipulation.
Ripostes them
Because the thread has been locked by a moderator
Two. One to screw it in and one to take credit for it.
About 8000
As much people as is needed to screw that lightbulb.
By how often he ripostes.
RIP in box
Just wait 5 minutes. They'll post about it.
To boost his link karma!
I'm just gonna leave this here."
Three. One to post it, another to post a better punchline in the comment section, and another to repost it with the new punchline.
He rEDDITed it. I'll leave.
Because there is a lot of reposting to do.
Because it made her wait seven minutes before posting something.
Zero. Somebody already did it.
Fedora the explorer.
Because Redditors aren't known for keeping a level head.
They can never get further than the tip!
To the PAO Camp.
It was the Wong choice
Ask them what OP stands for.
Oh, you're a redditor?
Because they always *tip*.
Purple circle.
Who cares, because How Can Light Be Real If Our Eyes Arent Real?
A redditor.
Only one, but an extra 15 to repost.
Fedora Linux!
I'll tell you tomorrow.
It could be R and the C, but they definitely aren't OC.
The redditor never gets gold
During any conversation he's looking at YOUR shoes.
this isn't even a joke... some of y'all are borderline retarded, "I don't get it" is like a given for 50 upvotes around here. If you don't get a joke, just take the L and move on to the next post....
Exactly the same amount as the Redditors on and .
Wow, I did not expect this post to blow up
He re-posts it.
Because we're too afraid to go outside
They can't stand a Nickleback!
Don't worry, he'll tell you
They're used to dealing with ripostes.
They'll tell you.
Not possible. Their hands are too slippery with each other's ejaculate.
Eggs get laid.
The Game
Eggs get laid only once
To bask in social approval.
What is a pirate's favourite letter
He was a karma-karma-karma-karma, karma chameleon!
They see his AMA and turn off the computer.
OC It only takes 1. But another 999 to repost this 100% original joke. I made this.
Copy pasta! I'm so sorry
They both have multiple triggers that will cause them to down vote those who don't think the exact same way as them.
The Snoobaru.
About four.
Eggs get laid at least once.
Ask them if they're on reddit. I'm sorry.
Click Here(
Cirque le Jerk
The Hydraulic Press
Three. One to get the punchline, and one to point out the math is wrong.
All of them.
Karma. (Please forgive me)
Three. One to post it, and two to repost it.
You call in a redditor.
The brick will eventually get laid.
An elevator has a GF
Because they always riposte.
Tips waitress*
There was a lot of reposting to do
A meme-oir
I don't know, check the post above me.
Three. One to post it, the second to post a better punchline in the comments, and the third to complain that it's a repost.
Virgin Mobile
The Specific Ocean
a wet melon.
No home oh
The landlord said "Sorry we don't serve spirits."
They both slowly remove clogs. I'll see myself out... Hey, at least it was original. Thanks for the gold !
Having legs.....
No one knows - every time they pick one up, they end up giving it away.
Cause North and South Poles repel each other ...
Because she married Mr. Softy!
Nobody knows. Sorry if it is a repost
You never have to hear a dad joke. Edit. Just thought of this at work one day hope it's not a repost
Click here to find out the answer.(
A: Ray Charles doing Rubik's Cube
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