Because they don't have anybody to go with.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A skeleTON.
Because nothing gets under their skin.
Because his skeleton was in the closet
Because it had nobody to go with.
It's near-humerus.
Interviewer:what is skeleton? Sardar:Sir, skeleton is a person who started dieting but forgot to stop it..!!!
They bone
A numbskull
A trombone!
With the bare-bones approach.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
They don't.
Because all they can do is bone.
Because the didn't have the guts to do it.
The hide and seek champion.
They're drop dead gorgeous!
Because he had to go with.
Question: Why did the Skeleton cross the road? Answer: To go to the body shop.
He didn't have the guts for it.
He didn't have any body to go with him.
Because they always have an anti-body
Because everyone was calling him a bone-head. (I was 6 when I came up with that).
Because he doesn't have a brain
They both are insulting, but the skeleton doesn't have any body to share racist jokes with!
Because he was skint.
All his work was pro bono.
By Bony Express.
He had "No body " to go with.
A: Because it had no guts.
On a telebone.
A skele**ton**.
He had no body to go with.
An XO skeleton"
Because he had no body to go with!
One with plenty of body in it.
A cell bone. *just got it off a popsicle.
Because it didn't have the nerves.
Last year's winner of the blonde "hide and go seek" contest
Because he had no body to dance with!
The skeleton says, "A beer and a mop, please!"
A skeleTon
S*pine* trees!
Fashionably late. I'll be here all week.
He had no body to go with him! baD-dumB-tssssJOKE
He had no body to go with !
They don't. Skeletons don't have lips, they just bone.
Because they forgot the g in graveyard.
To bone up on his schoolwork.
Long time, no sea.
He didn't have the guts
Put a leper in a wind tunnel
Because they got no body to dance with!
because he had no body to go with
Because they got no organs.
Because he had no guts.
Because it had nobody.
Because they're lossless.
They weren't thinking straight.
A captive Cherokee.
nuthin Vin Diesel noises from closet M: Is Vin Diesel in there -...yes Vin Diesel: from closet No.
Because they want to prevent people from bumming fags
None. They don't accept change, even if it means a brighter world.
Spare ribs
Spare ribs.
Because people are dying to get in!
Judge:why did u shoot your wife instead of shootingher lover? Sardar:Your honour, it's easier to shoot a woman once, than shooting one man every week.
Using saxitoxin.
Doesn't matter, just use the jet fuel instead.
It was having window panes.
The DaVinci Abode