They're always plotting against it.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because he left a residue at every pole.
They prefer radians.
A parallelogram.
He works it out with a pencil.
He wrote, "i is the square root of negative 1."
They prefer fur mats.
What do mathematicians and dancers have in common? They both have algorhythm.
The mathematician says "2" The Physicist says "2, plus or minus 0.1" The engineer says "Probably around 2, but let's say 3 to be on the safe side".
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
To get to 10.
I'm sorry, but the video you filmed is imaginary. Please rotate your phone 90 degrees and try again.
Math Salts.
Because he was sur to requirements.
Mathematicians don't struggle with integration.
They just work it out with a pencil!
He was in a dilemma.
A concave man
They work it out with a pencil!
Because they'll never be perfect.
He was too concerned with the tan gent.
Because they got sin and cos to give them a tan
They told him he was good at deriving
He was a chronic math-debater
Tan lines.
Because he's a cross product.
You're high-on-pot...enuse. Thanks Key&Peele, I'll see myself out.
Because they got sin and cos to give them a tan.
I really like your logger rhythm!
They work it out with a pencil.
On a plane.
March 14.
An EULer spill
Cos Lettuce
He took the rhombus.
They know their limits.
A tan gent.
s of the Carribean.
A functioning alcoholic.
for drinking and deriving
They get a pencil and work it out.
4 the home team
2 squared!
He worked it out with a pencil!
Because when he asked his wife how many eggs to buy, she said 4!
He worked it out with a pencil...
He worked it out with a pencil.
Because of the Fibonacci sequins.
He derives!
A Sith.
Because if they count one more it would be 2gross to continue.
If I've told you n times, I've told you n+1 times ..."
Sine city
The same way he solved all other problems: He worked it out with a pencil and paper.
Somewhere between 0 and infinity.
Root beer. (tbh: found on a Laffy taffy wrapper)
Because they're always trying to find the x. They don't know y, either.
Because Dec 25 = Oct 31
Because he knows how to reduce fractions.
rated movies
He didn't want people to see his tan lines.
Yule ln!
It's not their fault. May tricks them.
With a hypotenuse.
Because he planned to blow up a plane.
A pizza can feed a family.
Take it to the limit. RIP Glenn Frey
Anything to ease the pain.
an outlier downvote brigade can start now
They both have problems finding x.
He worked it out with a pencil
They're radical.
Square eyes
Because it's indivisible.
A: He Apollo-gized.
American: You mean the elevator? English: Yes, we call it a lift. American: It's called an elevator. We invented it. English: And we invented the language.
Depends on which country they're from.
With a culator
Because they can only count to 3.
The second one's a race for the cure. Shamelessely stolen from .
It doesn't want anyone to find The Cure.
Because boys have one extra leg and girls have one extra mouth.
amp;nbsp; A mute, crippled insomniac
The extrovert looks at the other person's shoes.
He puts himself in the other person's shoes and then walks away.
Who has the diploma when you get rid of them.
One brings black stuff and the other gets rid of it