Because they don't like the smell of Derry air.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A white cross emblazoned on a white background!
You can make soldiers out of toast!
because they would all surrender.
One day she'd just had un uf.
They've never been fired, and only dropped once.
The French word for "cheese" is "fromage".
Because of the green piece inside.
Americans. Alternatives: What's the only thing Americans and the French agree on? The English. What's the only thing the English and Americans agree on? The French.
He got crped out.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
All that was left was de brie.
Because one egg is
Because in France one egg is un oeuf.
They use French resistors.
So blind people can hate them too
Le Ouija
They are basically the same except you do an Australian kiss down under.
A tresbien
Philippe Flop!
Its a life of pain
Because they want to see the front line too
Because he wanted to see Linoleum Blownapart.
The French. They always have their hands up.
Melon D'OH
A French Fried
In France, one egg is *un oeuf*
Put it in water.
All in, du thyme
You can make soldiers out of a slice of toast.
Because it'll run faster.
The Wii! (Oui)
A French kiss down under ;) *first post here, a coworker of mine told me the joke. Go easy :)*
Bobbing for french fries.
By the ears.
Escargot stolen.
Mercy !
It's like a French kiss, but down under.
Because the French have many flaws
Sunburned armpits.
He never does it with a four-in (foreign)-hand.
The pirate says, "Aye, aye!" The French says, "Oui, oui!"
Faux Paws
From age
Because they hate the french press...
100, 1 to screw it in and 99 to say how they could do it better.
He was running lait
The French flag.
A biday party!!
Sacred blue!
Help me! I've been a-salted!
They both die if you chop them
They go to Cannes
Just one, because in France one egg is un oeuf.
One egg is un oeuf.
Five. Four in reverse, and one in case the enemy is attacking from the rear.
Gluten tag*
She was maid in France !
A francophony
What are we going to do now, Pierre
They give me the crepes.
They only need it for their back
He French-kissed a power outlet
Napoleon Blownaparte
Estruckgo I came up with this while drinking french vodka. I am a horrible person when i drink french vodka.
nous abandonnons"
Because they don't exist.
How to surrender in twenty-seven different languages.
You est-ce que question
A: Stick your hand in the bell and play lots of wrong notes.
Because it follows the path of least resistance
A: In France.
80 blaze it
A cowch potato!
I have Grey Poupon me
He hon(hon hon)s it.
He felt pain.
The active french armed forces.
He could not get past the tree!
Napoleant !
The french army at the beginning of a war!
A crepe.
Because they always surrender!
It's crepe"
Jock the stripper.
French Flies!
A: When it's french fried.
Because one egg is un oeuf.
L'ess cargo
Because every time they shoot them off, the French try to surrender.
There was too much gas in them.
The German.
Houston, TX will once again reach 98 degrees.
The rest of your life.
A man with unfinnished buisness.
This guy.
Lack toes and tall or rent
She puts her top back on and leaves.
She pronounces 'Kansas' like the second part of 'Arkansas'
H Edit: I don't like explaining jokes but since the first guy didn't get I might as well: When pronounced in a French accent it sounds like ash.
Because they'll reach 420 before anyone else. Explanation: 80 is quatre-vingt in french and quatre=4 and vingt= 20.
Blaze it.
To the water, it is time! Or in french... ... BWA HA HA HA. OK... I know this is kind a dad joke but.... yeah (for those don't speak French and thus don't get this, click the link and click the speaker to have it read to you ;) )
The Vice President takes over. What happens when the Vice President dies? The Speaker of the House takes over. What happens when the Speaker of the House dies? You go to Radio Shack and buy a new speaker.
He couldn't take a joke.
They always take things literally.