A civil serpent
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
One drove all the snakes from Ireland, the other drove away all of the Native Americans.
Because otherwise they'd be lizards.
The tale of a rat.
A thon
In inches. Snakes don't have any feet.
Because he wears an eyepatch and has poor depth perception.
He had a reptile dysfunction
Are ye alright in the back there lads?
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
He had reptile dysfunction.
Sleep in the wardrobe !
Thanks I'll just have a sliver !
Windshield vipers.
Adders !
A: An adder.
A windshield viper.
You can make a pet out of a snake !
Spaghetti that winds itself around your fork.
Don't asp me !
They have no legs to pull !
A boar constrictor !
A fangfurter !sna
Metal Gears
Hiss-tory !
Because in Japan, snakes are hebi.
A viper !
Windscreen vipers.
Because it's an anti-hisstamine.
A boeing constrictor
Well that bites.
Me: "Snakes on a plane" Friend: "Whats it about " Me: "Horses... horses on a boat"
A Black Adder
Hiss is the end of the line for you !
Because hardly any of them know how to dance.
Viva Aspana !
A corn snake
Hiss off !
A boa constructor !
None, the two are not a snake
It has a rattle.
A fangfurther.
With love and hisses.
Because he had his own scales !
A snake with a lisp !
Thank you I'll just have a slither.
A boa constructor.
A HISSStorian.
Because snakes make lots of strikes.
Poison by Christian Dior !
Hiss and Hers !
Sir Pent...
2) How 2 build ark 3) Can god just build ark 4) Are snakes necessary 5) Is god real or am I high
Addercadabra and abradacobra !
Fang mail.
Sleep in the wardrobe.
Because they don't have any feet!
A Boa Constructor
A puff-adder
They speak with forked tongues !
A momma's boa.
A HISSSSStorian.
Snakes and Larders !sna
They couldn't they were adders !
Fang letters !
A:('A jump rope')"
She's got no legs.
Cigarette" because you take him out for a drag.
He used Apple Maps.
By occident
With a tire gauge.
That would be the one that measured fourteen inches...." "That's not so big!" "Between the eyes "
Turn on their windshield vipers.
Me: That's a teardrop tattoo. 5: Oh. Did he shank someone in prison M: What 5: Remind him I want extra guacamole.
One woman brings you into this world crying and the other ensures you continue to do so.
Back up a couple of inches.
he thought, while shining a beam of pure information directly into his eyes from eight inches away.
Because they have a lot of ese's
Because there is lots of school spirit!
He was always Stalin in his manual!
Hint:Acts 2:1 KJV)