Time to get a new watchdog.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
They both make a lot of noise to let you know they are coming.
She never let go, Jack.
To look more like their mom.
Now let me get this straight . . .
Not only have you let me down, you've let yourself down, and you've let the whole school down!
Let me out"
Eric Clapton won't let a bag of cocaine fall out of the window.
1 baby nailed to 10 trees Sure, oldest one in the book but whatever lets hear what you got gang
A turkey.
By letting the hungry die.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
I don't know...let's see who he loves the most" 3 weeks later Can you tell "Nope"
A. "Let's twist again like we did last summer...."
A: He couldn't part with it.
Oh hell yeah *we both do the cha cha slide*
Because she'll let it goooo
A: Because she might Let it Go
Like outrageous, dark, funny whatever let's hear!
Let my peephole grow!
Let's just say I'm starting a lot of sentences with "let's just say".
Yeah... Lets blame Sony.
the guy likes his power chords too much.
Let's grow MOLD together!
Elsa let it go!
Let's get rational you can't carry on like this!
You don't let your friends borrow your Lamborghini.
please let me know... I have a terrible sense of humor!
Me: I dunno. Let me check *pulls out phone Me: Not good. It only got 2 likes on Instagram Waiter: ...
Alright, let's get down to beeswax!"
She probably gets royalties
Because they pee on poles.
You know you see it coming...) A: Psycho-sis! (I won't let the doorknob hit me on the way out..)
A Klingon! since obstetrician gynaecologist is too long, and OB GYN doesn't make sense ,lets call them Klingons
You let it sink in.
Let's go get Jobs.
The farmer had too much of a steak in him to let him go!
Wife: Let me google it and- *terrified look at bill* Wife: Let me bing it and see.
If you know that one, try this one: Why do seagulls fly to the dump
ZOO OFFICIAL: Wait. Let's hear him out.
Coz...she "let's it go!"
Let us prey.
Hey dad, let's tell a joke for car ma!
Both equally inefficient at letting me know when they are actually ready.
Me: Left Axl: Where do we go now Me: Straight. Axl: Oh, where do we go now Me: Damn it, Axl, let me drive!
Because it's too salty.
Let me talk to a few criminals and see who they think is scariest."
4 hrs of arguing later "Ok we'll say both. Now let's get perms."
Me: Let's start with the answer, then work on the problem, ok
Let's throw a party while we're at it.
A. A dentist lets you sit down while he hurts you.
Don't worry, they'll let you know.
A crushed asian
Because they're let out in the evening and taking in in the morning !
Exactly. Now let's talk about Fluffy
Just the people who were in charge of that decision.
I recommend an immediate heart attack and let the paramedics carry you out of the room.
Kids: EGGS! BACON! WAFFLES! CHOCOLATE CHIP PANCAKES! Me: Let me rephrase. Who wants toast
Don't Let The Son Go Down On Me
Bull: I'll let them go barefoot!
Because he doesn't want to be spotted! I'll let myself out.
Let us spray
The phone we gave you is frightful, But the fire is so delightful ; And since we have no replace to go, Let it blow! Let it blow! Let it blow!
Let us spray!" replied the other.
Lets get right into the noose.
There's no way Eric Clapton would let a bag of cocaine fall out of a window!
Let me count the ways... Five.
ME: Because once they fire you they won't let you stay.
Snow White had the excuse of being asleep when she let seven in.
I mean let me see your license
Because like everyone in marketing, he always lets his own stuff slide...
She would always let it go.
Me: Once a coworker said "supposably" 7 times in a meeting & I just let her StP: Get in here
i let women know that i have a jacuzzi
Let's go fishing
One. He puts the bulb in and lets the world revolve around him.
None, we've decided to let a man do the job.
Let's go ride bikes!
He let out a little wine.
To the Batmobile!"
Get in, Robin.
Nothing. They bark.
He was barking up the wrong tree.
That was *Cher-i-nobyl* of you
Wouldn't it be nice if we were younger.
None - because they would all be replaced by white actors.
Replace the laces with earphones.
The Hippocampus!
Who the hell did I just drop off at school !
They're trying to get away from the noise.
Because they're always trying to find the x. They don't know y, either.
2.B or not 2.B
Answer: Because if you only take one, he'll drink all your beer.
Because no one man should have all that flour.
The turkey said gobble, gobble, gobble. The goat said back abdul akbar before blowing up.