Throw it in water If it sinks = girl ant If it floats = buoyant
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
I charge five dollars if its a boy and five dollars if its a girl. Lets just say this ones on the house.
They are both trying to find their X and they don't know Y.
A boy asks his mom, Why am I black and you're white? She says, Don't even go there. The way that party went, you're lucky you don't bark
A crowbar.
Page two of Google
There was no outlet
He was trying to find Winnie the Pooh.
I'm stuck.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
A: Lonely
Oh wait, there is.
He got hit by a bus.
Feel around for the dough nuts
Nothing. It's rude to talk with your mouth full.
I don't know. He still hasn't opened his gifts.
They both lie about their emissions.
With a crowbar
GLOVES! Just kidding, he hasn't opened the box yet.
A: He was hit by a bus
Where are the udders? (Thanks to my three boys for that one!)
Girls, like, have a much better, like, grasp of, like, similes.
Its a Place where Boy posts a JOKE and Gets no Response & If a Girl Posts the same JOKE , She gets Hundreds of likes , comments and Friend Requests and Lots of PM's .
With a crowbar.
His finger was up his nose.
It's the orange, BOY CAN IT CONCENTRATE!
His will
They are both ment for boys but in the end it's the men who plays with them
Because Greece lightening
A student used to give his teacher some raisins everyday. He kept giving them for 3 months straight. Then one day he did not give raisins to his teacher. And his teacher asked him "Where are the raisins today?", and the boy said "My rabbit died."
No home oh
Names! -Bo Burnham
He was hit by a truck.
Slanta Claus.
Operation Yewtree.
because he had no knees
A noughty one.
What did the boy say when his dog died? I'm gonna miss you buddy, you were my best friend.
Hey, why don't you cut me some slacks?
Cancer. ( )
Just cos.
I don't know he hasn't opened it yet.
I am a ski instructor and I've recently been teaching these two boys who are 6 and 8 year old brothers. I realized today that I know zero jokes appropriate enough or funny to this demographic. I feel like they think I am super boring. Give me some help to make the chairlift more exciting!!
Urine angel.
He was galactose intolerant.
Close... but no cigar.
When the choir boys have diarrhea.
Coz the boys pants are all half off.
Nothing, Michael liked boys.
He got hit by a bus!
Premature emasculation.
Pier pressure
asked the police officer sympathetically. The boy replied, "Beer and women."
Because he'd already done the sharps and flats.
This IRS guy sounded pretty into me
She gives birth to a boy.
That was *Cher-i-nobyl* of you
Boy: Me and I'm going home now.
Keep em coming boys and gals. This is making my 15 car ride way better!
Someone threw a fridge at him.... Gold
Too Bad, I'm not telling you!
A: He wanted to see time fly.
Because boys have one extra leg and girls have one extra mouth.
A: To see how long he slept.
Because they're campers.
He stopped believing in stereotypes.
Roam And Tick things..
he was ceebs
Wouldn't it be nice if we were younger.
Urine trouble.
If your asparagus brought em, then I'd be impressed.
A: Because someone threw a fridge at him.
He was told to draw the curtains before going to sleep.
Boys clothes half off.
He thought they were a delivery service
Bye, son.
Me: Woof woof woof! Her: Who let the boys out ! Me: Woof woof woof! Her: KIDS ARE IN THE STREET! Me: I'm going..
If Boy is in love - His parent Ask: Idiot, Who is that Girl.. Moral :: No matter who ever is in love... Boys Are Always Idiot :P (LOL)
He wanted to go to high school.
I don't know, he hasn't opened his presents yet.
He thought he might get a kick out of it!
Gloves.... Just kidding he hasn't got into it yet.
SHOPPING" never causes HEART ATTACKS, but,"PAYING the "BILLS" does
He didn't want to see the salad dressing.
Candidate: ... *Realises stupid question & thinks of cover up M: It's a trick question. You're hired!
Im here for the boos.
My Favorite, When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone he had three missed calls from Chuck Norris.
Because it went straight pasta.
About seven miles an hour.
A: The dog taped his mouth.
Eric Clapton wouldn't let a bag of cocaine fall out the window. EDIT: Damn it he was four
How much do the potatoes cost " - "2.50" - "And the bag" - "The bag is free" - "Ok, give me the bag"
Because it's easy to inject the seed of religion in them. Be gentle pls
Because 7 ate(8) 9!
Because windows 7 8 9
Mom:if you are a good boy,you will get one when you're older. Son:What if i'm not a good boy? Mom:You'll get many.
r/cringepics Based off Daya's song "Hide Away"
Self raising.
Twilight Gap