Cause everyone's dying to get in!
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Blunt force trauma.
When their time is up.
Star Trek) The storm troopers all miss, and the red shirts all die
Doesn't matter. Lightbulb is going to die anyway.
Me: Heaven. 3: I don't want to go there. Me: Why not 3: It's full of dead people.
He pasta away
Doctor responds: "Heavy drug use, ma'am" Widow: "But doctor, my husband didn't use drugs!" Doctor: "I know, but I did"
They kermit suidide !
New GF: *sees me playing accordion* He died
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
To the Mork.
Twelve The other replied : "Nein, Eleven."
Because the ones named Drive all died in crashes.
Did your manners die too Use your words!
Robin, is that you
Meet me - oh, right.."
I got shot trying to save my fellow soldiers lives in war. You " "I got trampled trying to save on a flat screen" "Oh.."
Because people were dying to get in!
He died in agony !
This scampi true! Whale I squid you not Oh cod I can't die Waterboat me You're so shellfish Fin
Student : Yesterday I heard in the news that 5 died in a car accident. DIE
Wait 12 hours and have Christmas Mourning
The waiter replies, "He looks it straight in the eye and says, 'You're gonna die.'"
Because they don't want the siren to die.
Just one, but it lasts five episodes. And Kuririn dies.
They all died Jung.
S'cuse me, while I kiss the sky...*
Yes, son. Love is terrible. "No Mom, I said LAVA." Oh. You maybe can survive that one.
You try to Curium. If that doesn't work and he dies, then Barium
They respawn.
He died in his teepee
She thought to yell for help, but her husband was nowhere around to grant her permission to do so.
PATIENT:I am going to die in a minute. DOCTOR:wait I am coming with in five minutes.
Because we'd rather die on our feet than live on your 30.48 centimeters.
John is a bird.
A day old reddit post.
Angelfish !
Because he always had a Hell of a good thyme.
Because they can bleed for a week and not die.
Because women are at the wheel.
Shannon died in a car accident.
stabs curtain* LORD POLONIUS: O, I am slain! This is the w'rst game of hideth and seeketh ev'r *dies*
His lily died
Because yeasterday he died and tomorrow he will have risen.
The black one always dies first.
Because she was too basic
Oy vey!"
Because when they captain said, "GET DOWN!" They all started dancing..
Me: "Franz Ferdinand." 7yo: "But, he died in 1914." Me:
She got ahead of herself.
Will there be food Why do I have to die Why didn't you like my last pic ..
Through the Windu
Because they want to.
Because people are dying to get in.
Husband: I would go crazy Wife: Would you re-marry Husband: Ah, not that crazy..
My guess would be sometime this morning.
I can't bereave it!
We barium.
Everytime he dies he has to wait 3 days to respawn
Old habits die hard
Too many strokes.
Well I'll be damned!
He had an an*yarr*ysm.
I heard the clubs are to die for.
He punches the bucket
No matter how much protective garments they wear, there's still a chink in the armor.
Yep, people are just dying to get in there
He ate the dentist.
Because it goes right out of your head.
Radio Shack. Not even the brain dead would go there.
The Vice President takes over. What happens when the Vice President dies? The Speaker of the House takes over. What happens when the Speaker of the House dies? You go to Radio Shack and buy a new speaker.
Try some sparkly earrings.
Wait for him to give it back.
They both tell the audience what they are glad to hear. But at the end, the audience laughs at the comic, and the politician laughs at the audience.
Dr:I'm afraid he's in critical condition *shout from inside room "You've never lived to up to your potential!"
a HIPAAcrite
Because some of their best friends are black... for halloween!
Manager : Sir, we've been through this, our cashiers aren't for sale.
You get into hot water.
You would rise and shine.
Cuz he's Biden his time.