They both encourage people who can barely read to try new things.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Driver: I don't believe everything I read.
Now I can stop reading while I drive. This is gonna save so many lives.
ANSWER: Cosmetics is a woman's means for keeping a man from reading between the lines.
Read a book, you dummies.
By reading street signs.
Curses, foiled again!"
Because black people can't be offended if they're only reading jokes.
Pupil : I dunno ! Teacher : But you're reading aloud ! Pupil : But I'm not listening !
She peed her pants (read out loud)
Gnus papers.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Tequila Mockingbird.
Mark it as NSFW
I'm going to finish my book." "I didn't know you were writing a book." "I'm not, I'm reading one."
ME: Not good. WIFE: But I got you that Ventriloquism For Dummies book. ME: I don't think he read it.
This is the most violent thing I've ever read.
Do not touch"
C:/ Dos C:/ Dos Run Run Dos Run
Comment after reading the article.
It's not like they had to be there...
Two orthopaedists reading an electrocardiogram.
Because you can't read a dit.
She was running out of things to read.
Don't worry, they'll tell you.
Because the only numbers in them are page numbers.
A heroine addict.
Danger: Do not touch"
And she answers "No, who wrote it " .... Keep moving.
A legend
You should know, you've only read it twenty times.
Cause you've already reddit!
They gave her a basketball and told her to read.
She was afraid her daughter would run away with a wolf.
Well, I don't read it religiously." Bud-dum tss, I hate myself.
Boy: Because he read the label and it said 'shake well before using.'
Brailly any!
A: A newspaper.
If you don't know candy is bad for you, what are the chances you can read
A: Rename the mail folder to "instruction manuals"
Do not touch.
ltORIGINAL> He Reddit
Because they're already... DEAD INSIDE.
The White-Power Ranger I came up with this after reading a cracked article.
Too many colons.
Waiter: Probably learning to read.
A: None as usual... and they most likely didn't understand them either.
Adobe wan kenobi
The characters in this book are entirely fictional.
Adam and Eve
To flick through it as fast as possible.
With an icy-stare!
Hose A and hose B (read it out loud)
When I ride a motorcycle... I wear protection.
A: One to read one to write and the other one to keep an eye on both intellectuals.
Tequila Mockingbird
Pupil: I want to know how it ends !
Just reddit.
The Catcher in the Rye and Cooking For Dummies.
Just another reason to teach your cat to read.
A Regis Error.
World Trade Center workers, some of them can read 50 stories in just 8 seconds!
Because they built their stuff with reads!
A Presbyterian is a Baptist who can read
A. Reading the waffle iron
Because they read.
He reads lips.
So you can read their lips.
There was a full stop
A: "What did you name the other one "
Liberal Arts Degrees.
The Daily Moos.
If you're reading this it's too late.
The officer hadn't read him his rights.
Because black people can't read. Duh. I'll show myself out.
A CATalog
Don't touch this.
A: "All the Single Laddies" Edit: Read it carefully
He loves a good happy ending
A bookworm !
Mewspapers !
Lindsay Lohan never reads the newspaper in jail, but the newspaper always reads "Lindsay Lohan in jail"
The moospaper!
When they are read.
because they can't spell "read it".
I don't know, Vigo and see. (best read in Yanosh's voice)
It's impossible to put down
It reads "Small medium at large."
The newspaper.
A small medium at large.
A Small Medium at Large
People did not like my movie. I guess I am 50 shades of letdown... But I can sure GET UP"!
A small medium at large!
I asked my grandad the other day "why do old people read the bible so much?" He replied "cause we're cramming for finals"
By cramming.
She probably gets royalties
A wet one.
Because all proper tea is theft.
50 Shades of Earl Grey
So the attendees could get some face-time.
Mourning wood.
Judge:why did u shoot ur wife instead of shootingher lover Methew:Your honour, it's easier to shoot a woman once, than shooting one man every week.