A dead cow! (My 5-year old made up this joke)
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Do I hand my life in
Sweeping generalizations.
The punch line...
Three. One to get the punchline, and one to point out the math is wrong.
Because they like being amoosed !
A pear. P.s. got this joke in a cracker. If anybody gets it can you please explain it. My family is stumped.
A: None as usual... and they most likely didn't understand them either.
Because attachments are forbidden
A dynamic duo! This joke came to me in my delirious state after hours of band camp practices.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Clickbait. Edit: Added a space which triggered someone.
One has cheese on it, the other's just plain cheesy.
Because in America, freedom rings.
Not this guy!" -Thumb amputee victim
Dishcipline This is literally a joke I told in a dream and I remembered it when waking up.
A: Once when you tell it once when you tell her the punchline and once when she gets it.
A wise quack.
Joke from one of my 5th graders) Cause she saw me. Another: Why did the chicken cross the road Cause he saw some chicks.
There aren't jokes here. There are reposts here.
At the SPACE BAR! reddit is fun! I'm staring at the keyboard tryin' to think up a joke and voila'!
A Brazilian. Saw this joke elsewhere and thought i'd share it here.
When you repost it.
Ya herd one, ya herd em all.
They all left.
A RADICAL muslim. Sorry if I offended anyone but just thought I would share a funny thought I had that I turned into a joke.
No eye-deer. EDIT: I totally messed this joke up. Please give me another chance with another joke
A sic joke
A dead one.
Oh, they'll tell you.
Because seven ten eleven!
Comment your favorite Hellen Keller jokes) How do you get even with Hellen Keller Leave the plunger in the toilet
About Warf speed. My mom made this joke up last night at a bbq party. She likes to think she is funnier on holidays. Thanks, Mom.
sometimes i get the joke.
Because jokes aren't apparent.
The mirror
HE SAYS MOO oh wait this joke totally doesn't work in text
There was no reaction
Because today's April full!
Wasn't there a joke before posted about asking what a girl would do for $20 or something A dirty joke I'm trying to find it but I can't....
Because freedom doesn't knock. It rings.
Darth Mule! A joke, from third grade me... Happy Star Wars day!
Lawyers don't think they're funny, and nobody else thinks they're jokes.
This joke composed by my seriously autistic friend Neil, who LOVES jokes) Because it was a brick.
Don't worry, they'll repost a joke about it.
Beets me but I just forgot the joke!
Don't worry, he will inform you after delivery of the punchline has taken place. Just a joke!
No, you're the joke :3
HR Department.
Get bent" I hope you guys like this joke. I just came up with it.
an anti-joke.
Like this.
Because he higher and higher. (I translated the joke from Dutch, and yeah it's supposed to not make any sense, it just sounds funny, in Dutch at least. :-$)
One must simply walk into a bar
By looking over your shoulder.
The Holocaust was funny.
Because he only had one pupil! The joke is that I have no friends
He happily says, "Since 2009!"
Because 7, 10, 11!
He was always dotting his T's and crossing his I's. (I made up this joke myself)
Fire away please! I want to hear it all!
Unsubscribe from r/jokes!
This is no joke.
There was a thread months ago but i lost it...
Washed a Ton State. I woke up with that joke in my head this morning. My brain is weird. Had to share it with someone.
Hey dad, let's tell a joke for car ma!
Instead of 'knock knock', they say, 'Arrr you there !'
AcCOUNTing This joke must be on a popsicle stick somewhere.
Ouchwitz >say ouch when offended or in pain >Witz is the German word for joke >sounds like auschwitz
No, wait.
Original Jokes.
Tell her a joke on Wednesday!
The punchlines are too long.
You're a little rougher than I'm used to, but I'll grit and bear it. I'm sorry, that joke was a little rough ;D
If this popular game show told a joke, it would put the punchline first.
When it doesn't reach the front page.
Only my dad gets it.
A very large animal that knows a lot of jokes.
You stink at telling jokes."
3, duh. (My ex's 9 year old little sister told me this joke, and followed is up with: "and YOU'RE the math guy!" >< Burned.)
So the men can go on Reddit and repost this joke.
From the knights Da-sa(y)-NI! This joke is best delivered verbally.
A comickaze
They get Kim to talk slowly to him.
Kid: At the Joke shop.
A funny bunny
Because calling them republican presidential candidates would make me cry.
You're scaring my wife. She's only 12, jeez.
The joke is it's own pun-ishment.
Just look for ones that have a "JOKE:" disclaimer
None, its already lit fam. I cannot take credit for this due to being told this joke by a freind. He was in fact lit af.
Vehicular man's laughter
Because 7 8 9 A
Because it was crumby.
To recycle a joke from the other side.
Did you ever notice he seems to start off all of his jokes in one of two ways
This joke
The Darth mall! haha, funny joke.
Apparently, not here
I'm two tiered. I came up with this at 1am, enjoy.
My friend did it too "Well if your friend jumped off a bridge would u " Yes. I literally just said that
Waba Fett
His answer: "My mom."
And she answers "No, who wrote it " .... Keep moving.
Me neither. Help.
An account-ant.
Because there is a lot of reposting to do.
I came, I upvoted, I reposted.
By giving each other a taste of their own venison
Because he is 2 square.