Because techies respawns
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
Because all the replays are in shlomo.
Derek Bin Jeter
Bloke chaps. Play me off Johnny!
He was playing with a bunch of cheetahs!
Mount Rushmore.
The longer you play with them, the harder they get.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
A metal band
A rock guitarist plays 10 chords for 50,000 people, and a jazz guitarist plays 50,000 chords for 10 people.
He doesn't need to tell him to shake the martini.
Neither can finish a play.
Because he's an Xboxer.
Because no matter the sport, he would always play write
a conundrum
Because of the violins inherent in the cistern.
Because she uses the other one to sing.
Toucan play at that game!
He played a flat baroque piece!
They keep stealing green cards.
Billiards and Billiards
A Happy Medium. Sorry, a played around with the wording of this a lot and couldn't find anything better. Please suggest a better phrasing.
Because he's dead.
Because they'll steal all the green cards.
He was thrown out at home. - His two balls got a strike.
Because even if they had 4 players they still couldnt throw a ball.
Because no one will look for them.
There are too many cheetahs. Courtesy of the St. Louis Zoo Facebook page.
Amadeus on my dais.
She sings with the other hand.
Not very well at all...
Because all the kids have to play in side.
They take all the green cards.
Beef Stroganoff
Knock, knock, knockin on Heavens door
You get your house back, your dog back, your wife back, and you sober up.
When they get to third base they think they've scored
Because they steal all the green cards
La Cross
One plays hard rock, the other is rock hard.
Because it is fiddly!
So they could play football on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday, and pick up garbage the rest of the week.
Juan on Juan
One guy threw down his hand and another laughed his head off. This was my best friend's favorite joke when she was little apparently.
They've got no sole.
Because he'll peek-at-chu!
Shoot the first one.
The ghoulscorer.
They're lit.
You can't play tennis in the kitchen
Because the game is played on a griddle-iron!
Ball lightning
He got crossed up.
She missed two shots, so she's a ho. I'll leave now.
Bare-a-cudas !
Discordant !
Follow the litre.
W song backwards? Your wife back, your house back, your car back, and your dog back.
She didn't want them to grow into wart hogs.
He didn't like getting nailed to the boards.
Because they don't exist
It was a boxer!
A: One strike, and they're out.
A: You can't!
They keep saying check, mate.
The fumble bee !
Because they don't want to wreck Danubes.
Possum: Oh yeah
Because he was playing "This little Piggy" with his baby brother !
Catch my drift
An algorithm
A: Because no one will look for them.
A. You don't have to be very good to get people's attention.
You don't need a computer to play minesweeper in Saudi Arabia. (I'm not sorry)
A tennis ball!
She should play the lottery too !
I don't have to play $50 for a garbanzo bean in my face.
Webley stadium !
It plays a big tractor.
A mouse organ !
A pin.
He "Baroque" his arm, and also he's dead.
A Moosician!
Its the only place she can get love.
Tell them ISIS are Red Sox fans.
Students will most likely answer the color) Then you say, "yes, that's one difference but there's another: The White Sox play in Chicago and the Red Sox play in Boston!
Depressing. What's life like without alchohol? Depressing. I need friends.
Philip Hoffman's belt.
A shooting star!
More than likely you won't see any stars.
They don't play the beta.
Six-1 to change the bulb and 5 to sing about how much they miss the old one.
Can't catch me - Avicii
much wow such doge much grammar such hamburger so good
You twist its knob. edit: grammar
Rock is playing three chords for a thousand people. Jazz is playing a thousand chords for three people.
They have no soul...
Angel- no, it's an impersonator M: Wow, is that... A: listen man all we got is impersonators
A Hopster.