He uses the finest ingredients.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
Because they use the Theory of Relativity to find a partner.
There used to be exactly two, and now it's too offensive to talk about.
It was occupied.
They use a sea lion.
The p is silent.
It used to be cross country but now it's rock climbing.
How do you know if a blonde has been using your computer? When there's white-out all over the screen
Use a blender to get it in, use tortilla chips to get it out!
Son: Well, would you be friends with someone who was stupid, took drugs and was drunk all the time? Mom: No, Never! Son: Well neither would he!
Couple's Daily Question Mug
It can't buy you money.
You can't use a pitchfork on the bowling balls.
Because they can't take it seriousry.
It's just what we tend to do
They use a cow-culator! Ba-dum-tsss!
Hand them a mechanical pencil with the lead out and see how the use it. Child A: look mom I'm a doctor! - expect them to live to 80+ years. Child B: look mom I'm a heroin user! - expect them to live to about 27.
Suddenly....I'm not half the man I used to be....."
Screw is such a harsh word, M'Lightbulb. I have too much respect for lamps to use it." Tips fedora
Their personality.
Because her pee is silent.
You use a cow-culator. Or you round them up. Or any other method the commenters want.
I used to love tractors
They both used to have Les (less) Miles!
Skip to my loo.
Because they're not used to getting Snowden. (I'll see myself out)
Because they don't believe in higher powers.
A Dell.
A LexiCon
A Khalculator
Because he was sick of chainmail.
Remorse code
Plot Holders.
Use zodiac signs
He's trying to watch his sodium intake.
So they can prevent breakouts.
Game of Cones If it was about sword sharpening: Game of Hones If it was just everyone playing Go: Game of Stones If everyone was single: Game of Alones If it was about balls: Game of Throwns If it was about spooky scary skeletons: Game of Bones If everyone used UAVs to fight: Game of Drones If everyone was a banker: Game of Loans If it was about breakfast foods: Game of Scones
They use 2-in-1 shampoo
He used the Cross Walk.
They both used to be on top gear.
I start with a v and every woman has one. She can even use me to get what she wants. What am I? I'll post the answer in 10 minutes.
God speed.
He used conditioner on them.
For Drizzle.
Using an easy-bake oven.
Here in the U.S. we just ask them how many grams are in an ounce.
Extra virgin oil.
Elopping shears
Sheep. Why do elephants have trunks? Sheep don't have strings.
She uses a perfect son.
Freeze your dog and then take an angle grinder and use it on your dog and it Will say meeeeeow. Dunk your cat in gasoline and light it on fire and it Will say woof
Nothing, they are free of charge.
Because he doesn't believe in using quantum
Made in China.
Jimmy pushed her... Which is a shame because she was getting used to swinging without arms.
They cut off their heads using a Gweilotine.
Because they're extinct
Adobe Wan Kenobi
You slow down and use lube ( )
When he's quacked.
It won't be there
I'm stuck.
Because they are behind
They haven't got anti-aliasing.
Cottage cheese.
A closet closet.
Use the fork, Luke.
Because the sheep have gotten used to the sound of zippers
They're angry since Froogle was discontinued years ago!
Open it, if there's a 'd' in it, it's a fridge.
A GoProbe.
Cell Phones.
A PANDAwan learner.
Because it's the only time 'rich' and 'dark' are used to describe the same thing.
He used a krypton-currency.
You use test tickles
A Pedofile
Past tense.
A comic relief.
Two-forty (use an Irish accent)... It's two-farty
Because the condition was untweetable.
Please help. There are ten so far and they have invited their gross friends to our home. They are using the broken lightbulb to smoke crack off of.
A smoothbore.
Adobe Wan Kenobi.
Swiping and wiping.
A worm hole
Because they use extra hops
Because he couldn't see the point in forks.
nice watch"
Because they have so many Wing's and Wong's That they might Wing the Wong Numba!!!
Because it makes up everything.
doesn't matter... must not look down..
Because Burger King forgot to wrap up his Whopper
A GIANT! Now what do you call a baby ant an Infant! What do you call an ant thats into business A Merchant! please post more ant jokes if you know of any.
He Reddit.
They log on
Sad Dan
Kung Pao Chicken
A hypocrite!
The hypocrite's the one that exists.
The operating system
None. Horses are not known to use operating systems nor computers for that matter.
He dislikes poles polls How do you type jokes that rely on similar sounding words It hard :(
Now you're just Stallin.
OC By process of elimination.