Need to know ASAP.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
One. We are efficient and don't like humour.
Wanna go ride a bike?
None. They don't believe in a higher power.
Trick question. Deadheads screw in sleeping bags.
They don't change it. They just watch it burn out, then follow it around for another 15 years.
A lightbulb.
Well it depends on what you mean by change.
Not get a job.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Lulz!!! etc etc etc :-D
Two. On e to he lp with t he he lp with one two with and the oth there to and th e to two with lp he
One, while the rest were kung fu fighting
None. They just let it burn out and follow it around for twenty years.
Only one. But they have to sit in the dark room for a year, first, to make sure that the lightbulb is out.
Just one. All he has to do is hold it in place while the world revolves around him.
Is the lightbulb plugged in sir?
zero, because none of them knows how to
One, but when he unscrews the bulb, the lights go out and your xbox is gone.
One to screw in the lightbulb, stock four carts of supplies, and handle seventeen simultaneous customers at any one time for five consecutive hours.
All of them.
are easily threaded by one person, with one hand. Doot.
Just one, but it takes a really long time, and the lightbulb has to want to change...
More guns!
Just one. But it takes five episodes.
None, they just hire a mexican to do it.
None, they just make the nepalese do it.
None. They live in eternal darkness.
three, but they're really one
Is dark. Bulb is potato.
Only one, given that he's koali-fied for the job.
Two. One to hold it in place, another to rotate the universe around it.
Only one of course, as we are highly efficient and have absolutely no sense of humour.
100. 100 who complain about the lightbulb oppressing them, and 1 man to actually do it.
Relatively few
Whats the point? 3rd wave feminists can't take a joke anyway.
Two. One to screw in the lightbulb and another to sing about all the good times they had with the lightbulb.
Zero. They don't exist.
Just one, but first they have to sit in the dark for a year and then get letters from two electricians giving them permission.
Just two. One to explain to the public that everything possible is being done to solve the problem, and the other to screw the lightbulb into the water faucet.
None, they arrest the room because it's black.
Just two, but more can join in if there's room in the lightbulb.
The lightbulb works fine...
One. They simply hold the bulb and wait for the world to revolve around them.
Four. One to change the bulb, three to stand around so he has someone to hi-five after.
Ten. One to change it and nine to downvote for no reason.
Just one, except she scissors it in.
Don't be stupid, rioters can't change anything.
Idk, its too dark to tell them apart.
You don't know man, you weren't there!
Doesn't matter, just use the jet fuel instead.
Who cares, because How Can Light Be Real If Our Eyes Arent Real?
None, just the one black guy they get to do it so they can tell him how oppressed he is.
Doesn't matter how many femenists try, they can't change anything. Alternatively, they just hold it up and wait for the world to revolve around them.
None. They just blame feminism for the darkness.
Just one. They are very efficient and don't have much of a sense of humor.
That's not funny.
Just two, as long as they can find a way in.
One. We're efficient not funny!
Somebody had an idea.
Trick Question. They only think they can reach that high.
They don't care, as long as they do it better than people from Devon.
To get to the other side!
A what?
They don't see the point and just sit in the dark.
She gives birth to a son.
When this gets 500 upvotes, I'll tell you the answer.
Five. One to change the lightbulb and four road guards.
one, but it takes 32 lightbulbs.
A: None. Each lightbulb contains the means of its own revolution.
All three of them.
have you tried turning the light off and back on?"
Two. Obviously.
We're on our sixth.
I'd be surprised if you could fit two in there
Both of them.
It only taek won do change a lightbulb.
both of them
None, because little boys don't fit in a lightbulb.
That's impossible, because they can't climb the ladder.
None- that's hardware.
Well, not all of them.
No one knows - every time they pick one up, they end up giving it away.
1001 1 to offer up the bulb and 1000 to scream 'Get in the hole'
Trick question, anarchists can't change anything.
A flaggot
We don't know, he hasn't opened the present yet
Kick boxing
It's dangerous to hit a lightbulb with a bat.
Californians don't screw in light bulbs, they screw in hot tubs and infinity pools.
Californians don't screw in lightbulbs, they screw in hot tubs. (I remember this from the 1970s when I was in middle school. It's one of my first dirty jokes)
One egg is un oeuf.
One two three' cat, because 'Un deux trois' cat sank.
One gets sun on your skin and the other gets skin on your son.
Pygmies are cunning runts.
American: You English are insane Shotguns can't get pregnant
The Brit got kicked out and the American did the kicking.
Amaso sorry you don't remember me !
The elephant remembers.
Hello, how am I " "You're fine, how am I "
White noise.