lettuce turnip the beet
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
His wheelchair.
Because they can turn any animal into a vegetable!
The wheelchair
A brick to the back of his head should do it.
The Wheelchair
Their wheelchair floats to the top.
A vegetable..
Beets me.
Because they're meteor
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Because it only ate vegetables.
Lettuce pray.
Drive a bus through a pride parade
An Animal, a Vegetable, and a Mineral.
A crippled homo.
Stephen Hawking
Not knowing how to use a coathanger...
The one in the wheelchair.
Because his parents are vegetables.
Vegetable soup. I apologise to those offended by my terrible joke. Have another Whats the hardest part of cooking a vegetable? Getting the wheelchair into the oven
A fruit doesn't need a wheelchair
Fitting the wheelchair in the oven.
Peace and carrots... Thought this up at work today. I'm sure it's been done before but it made me chuckle...
the coma ward.
Jeffrey Dahmer!
Elton John in a coma.
An escapea
They both can be used to carry vegetables....
Criminal: You said it was time to spill the beans.
One's filled with fruits and vegetables, the other's my fridge.
He can turn fruits to vegetables
The wheelchair. sorry
They were part of a stewicide pact.
Lettuce turnip da beet!
An un-in.
Because it is full of vegetables.
The wheelchairs are too expensive.
what's tomato with you !
Lettuce, pray.
One of them has to water their vegetables
You put them back in the wheelchair
In the CRISPR drawer
Broke up with James Harden
If you pull the plug, the vegetables start to decompose.
How do you turn a fruit into a vegetable Give it aids.
Just beet it
Mrs Hawking
Ocra Winfrey
because celery stalks
A hearti*choke*. ... :D
A turn up
Lettuce alone!*
The letter P.
A turn-up
I don't really carrot all for vegetables."
Grandpa. :(
Remove the wheelchair
That's where you wash all your vegetables!
A leek.
A: He threw away their wheelchairs!
They dont.
putting them back in the wheelchair
A common tater !
Cuz he always uses a straw, man!
Because they kept making the beets... MMMMMM DROPPPPP
They don't like their vegetables.
They Turnip
I don't know but it was hard as hell stealing thier wheelchairs with pieces of Richard Simmons tripping me up.
They heard he was a fungi
A radish
Lettuce Go!"
A francophony
A no-bell prize
A soviet seamen
Because in Soviet Russia, Nut Cracks You!
A grandmartial artist. I apologise for any lost brain cells.
Cause otherwise they'd be going to pound town.
A: An animal that talks your head off.
A special interest group.
Barackoli (I'm sorry I'll leave now...)
Spacebook. (It's a terrible joke I know).