She threw away all of the W's.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
Coffee Mug
A bullet.
He drove people bananas!
H20 is on the inside, and K9P is on the outside.
Set her tampon string on fire.
They nuke it. OR In Soviet Russia, Turkey fires you!
Because he took his job for granite I'll show myself out.
Bernie Sanders
Bossy just fired me !
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Sentimental attachment. -It just caught fire. -Aww, just like old times.
She kept throwing away all the W's.
It got fired.
He was caught spreading remains before they were cremated.
Because it got fired!
cause it just means you spit more fire
Because as soon as they start they get fired.
He was jacking off one day and his hand caught on fire.
When you get fired from a job, you don't stay around and watch other people do your job.
He can't remember if he fired 5 or 6.
If you're good at something never do it for free.
he threw out the W's
The big Ape kept wanting to take more than a 10% bite!
Sooner or later, one of them is probably going to get your house.
A shotgun
That he needed to address the situation
Roasting a chicken.
He tested positive for Coke.
A bus-load of babies on fire.
Because they dislike the phrase "Fire at Will"
An e-mergency.
They're afraid of catching fire!
Because Opey never delivered.
The man replies: it's back there, I'm just going to get the water! (This is a true story, my uncle really said this)
He came to work baked.
He can't seem to *stop droppin' rolls*.
Nukes... You're fired!
asks the bartender. "I got fired."
He took a day off
Because she ate all the cookies and didn't know how to make a sandwich.
I just got fired from the circus "Oh my" Yeah, the calibration on my cannon was way off. I landed in your pond
When her mustache is on fire!
Me: Oh, it doesn't matter. You will have fired me well before then.
Because he kept quacking all the eggs!
He caught on fire.
It was a poultry amount
Because... bros before hose!!! Wubbulubbadub-dub!
They caught him with an ounce of coke in his system.
If at first you don't succeed - you're fired!
I'm getting the fudge outta here!"
Someone gets fired.
Chard remains.
Because she kept throwing out all the W's
A firecracker!
He was a pieromaniac.
When the big hand touched the little hand
grips lighter* "I'm not sure yet"
Holy smoke!"
It was just a matter of time.
I don't wish for a lifetime supply every time I smell patchouli.
No matches founds
For Catcalling
She's Bright...
Ready, aim, make the FIRE!
He never delivered.
She didn't have control of her pupils
A Snowman.
One was fired, the other was terminated
Fire a 21 gun salute. What do they do when a nun has a baby Fire the dirty old Canon.
A double-vowel shotgun.
He spent all day on the web.
Because he showed up baked.
An arrrrrsonist. Thank you. I'll be here all week.
With a fire drill.
You're fired."
She threw away all the bent ones. Why did she get re-hired They all came back.
A smoke aLaama.
The roof is on fire.
Cuz Wu Tang Clan got nuttin' to shuck with.
Me: Depends on how many calories are in the person you are setting on fire.
Fire. How do you fix a car Fire. How do you break up with someone FIRE!
He was always dotting his T's and crossing his I's. (I made up this joke myself)
The foreman fired him, saying, 'We can't have bored boars boring boards.'
Fire away please! I want to hear it all!
He got fired.
Because the pizza guy has consequences for not doing his job correctly. "Oh damn, shots fired!" But not by the pizza guy.
Fired and blacklisted from the genetics industry.
A firecracker
1. Acquitted 2. Fired, retired or expired
Because she was drinking on the job.
I quit because I wanted a career with a bright future." Sir, this is McDonald's.
Because they cast Amy Schumer and Ken couldn't get the job done.
It's in tents!
Cause you'd be mad too if someone kept pulling your hose.
A kink is something put in a hose, a fetish is something she wants to put in your hose.
They Neverland.
They're trying to get away from the noise.
A nun with a javelin through her.
A nun falling down stairs
When it's broke.
WRONG.** ... or right, or something in between.
We make jager bombs. We are not a species made to last.
Dragons, because they're always spittin' fire.
They don't work in the future either.