An excavator. And why? Because it only got one arm.
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A schoolbus full of children.
To keep their nuts dry.
A castle
Because he left the school.
Because everybody who can run, jump and swim are already in the U.S.
Micro Phelps.
Because all the ones that can run, jump and swim are already in America.
You swimming pull
Because they're constant in a pool.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
By swimming in the main stream.
Because everyone that can run, jump or swim is already here in the US.
They go swimming in Laotian
Because it has pp in it.
Because all the Mexicans who can run fast, swim fast and jump high are in the states.
Black people can't swim. -.-
Because everyone that can run, swim or jump is in USA.
Because they don't swim in pairs. Are there two of those fish? Nahhh.
It's an accident if a boat full of refugees starts to take in water. A catastrophe is if they know how to swim
Black people can't swim.
A bulldozer
Because they drown at their own wealth Edit: I got down voted :( I thought of that in my head and just wanted to share it
Anyone who can run, jump or swim is already over the border
A Sturgeon
Because every one that can run, jump or swim has already crossed the border.
Their phones would get wet.
Because most of them who can run, jump or swim are already in the United States.
Cause pepper makes them sneeze.
He had too much to drink before he went swimming!
Because there is no water in Africa.
A submarine.
swimming goggles
A decoi
Swim down and knock on the hatch. (In Sweden we have a running tradition of telling jokes about stupid norwegians. They do the same about swedes)
By swimming in their debt.
For the Halibut.
They only have one pair of trunks.
The Senile River
Because everyone who can run, jump or swim is in the US.
Not in the mainstream
Because all of the Mexicans that can run,jump,and swim are in America!
Ted can swim away from an accident.
All those who can run, jump and swim are in Texas.
Because pepper makes them sneeze
because they would sneeze in pepper water.
He didn't see a porpoise...
The fact that red guards can swim.
A TOR pedo.
Because anyone who can swim, run, or climb is already in America.
They love to swim in gold coins.
Because any Mexican that can run, jump or swim is in america!
Crackers get soggy when wet.
In Laotian.
Wanna go swimming?
Nobody likes a soggy cracker!
Because all the ones who can run, jump or swim are ready in the US.
Because it can swim
Because everyone who runs, swims, or jump really well is already across the border.
I'm swimming here!
The Crimea River
When it's past your eyes.
Because the ones who can run, jump and swim are already in the U.S
They defend the ship with way more enthusiasm.
Because anybody who can run jump or swim is in the States.
Oh my God, that's a lot of current!"
Lifeguard 2: Sad, I saw a bear in lake 1: How is that sad 2: He could bearly swim! 1:.. 2: He ate 3 campers
An octopuss !
Now if a shark was seen walking off the coast that's different.
Oh no, Helsinki! He Finnish!"
Cause it's far out, man
The specific ocean.
Panther no pants, I'm going swimming!
Because everyone that can run, jump or swim is in the US.
A grand piano.
A *bee*ch towel. What did the bee use to get out the tangles A honeycomb.
A Two-knee fish!.....
Because all the Mexicans who can swim well, jump high and run fast are in the United States.
In da Nile
Before writing the poem, he felt he had to do some sole-searching.
There were microwaves. Sorry I was drunk making popcorn.
Inshallah water.
Offender stole more than he could carry by swimming
Anyone who could run, swim or jump made it to the USA.
Because pepper water makes them sneeze!
Anyone who can run jump or swim is already across the border.
Bob. Same guy laying on the floor Matt. Same guy hanging on the wall Art. Same guy in a mailbox Bill.
He was a card shark!
Aardvarks don't have trunks!
A starfish !
Got this is a Cracker Jack box) Because pepper water makes them sneeze!
A whale with a table taped to it.
A : It had a bleed on its tail fin.
Because they spend too much time changing.
Their trunks.
If you know that one, try this one: Why do seagulls fly to the dump
A seahorse !
Try some sparkly earrings.
Not good. Aww what went wrong -*thinks back to accidentally popping a zit into her soup* She just wasn't my type.
5-year-old: Long. Me: I'm sure tomorrow will be better. 5-year-old: Wait, I have to go back
The Catcher in the Rye and Cooking For Dummies.
Both of them can sniff "the goods" but no one can touch !
ME: *nodding and sniffing myself* Mashed potatoes with gravy.
Say, " Everyone out of the pool please."
Please get out of the swimming pool"
Put a scratch and sniff at the bottom of a swimming pool.
A coin to scratch it with.
They install at night, while you are asleep, without consent.
Because with swim times like his, he might be president some day.
No ballroom
He committed barbercide.
I heard everybody had a blast.