A wedding ring !
Interactive Joke of the Day Mug
Coffee Mug
A bird that's ugly but doesn't give a hoot!
Melon-collie !
A long necked toothbrush.
Because they were Turkish.
A ghoul Yule!
A tusky!
To get to the other slide!
To screw in the children that were crossing the road
Roost beef!
General Lee speaking.
Couple's Daily Question Mug
To get his guts back. My three year old made that one up, I though it was pretty good :)
Because he was bean stalked.....
She didn't have the balls to do it
Addercadabra and abradacobra !
Kicked out of the petting zoo.
A pecking order.
A bouncing baby boa !
A pip squeak.
Swimming trunks
Bacon and scrambled leggs.
Can someone get me some dry socks "
Flash-banged. )
Permanent waves !
Something you wouldn't want to unwrap !
A cow that can milk itself !
Darth Mule! A joke, from third grade me... Happy Star Wars day!
He just had to get out of there because he heard that Kentucky fried chicken!
An animal that's always telling you how busy it is!
A harenet.
A person who stays up all night wondering whether or not there is a dog.
A bunny with money.
A bad mood!
Answer(/s "Someone who lays awake all night wondering if there really is a dog")
The Ink-credible Hulk.
A life time ban at the zoo
A pineapple !
The eggrolled
To get out of this town.
Because North Korea's long range missiles can't reach that far
To get the meme on the other side.
Kermit the Fog !
knock knock knock... excuse me sir, but do you have a few minutes to discuss nothing
Because he suspected fowl play was afoot!
ACCOMPLISHED. They crossed two borders!
Napoleon Bunnyparte!
An offer you can't understand.
Someone who pole-vaults without a pole.
A double crosser.
A cry for Alp !
A dog that can lick you from the other side of the road!
PC Plod.
A monster that climbs up the Empire State Building and catches aeroplanes with its tongue.
Because you can't cross a road when your nailed to a cross
The old switcheroo.
To say hello.... From the other side.
A person who lays awake at night wondering if there really is a dog.
Well thats not the point what is she doing out of the kitchen !!!
A hoppercraft !
A Utahraptor
Kung Food!
Tarzan stripes forever.
A jumbo yeti.
I don't know but when it sits on your electric wire and sings all your lights go out
Because he never really was on your side.
No new messages.
A common tater !
He was always dotting his T's and crossing his I's. (I made up this joke myself)
Believing that one day, the chicken will cross the road, it fills you with determination.
Someone who lays awake at night, wondering if there is a dog.
A dog that keeps barking up the wrong tree !
A retarded ape.
A Columbus.
Fired and blacklisted from the genetics industry.
You get to the other side.
To get to his website!
Dr. Drake.
Well, nearly 320,000 people round there have a Wigan address.
To get to the other cider.
A. Because they're not supposed to cross the streams
In a bucket
A Pi fighter
A puff-adder
To get away from the PETA convention.
To get to the Other side
Collie-wood !
Parent: "Wh-" Me: "Moo!"
A: SPLAT!!! He didn't.
I'm not sure but I wouldn't try smelling it !
A bird that will talk you ear off !
Because the chicken was having a day off !
To be on the safe side!
A wake-up call!
7 trillion dead toddlers.. LMFAOOOOOOOO
A flossopher!
A retarded gorilla. (Can be modified to offend any nationality or group)
A star-spangled banner
Stevie Wonder, answering the Iron.
To improve his bite !
RemindMe! 2 days to edit this post
Edit: Whoops wrong sub.
Ones a cunning runt...
There wasn't a hole in my dad's space-time continuum.
Pro biotics and a healthy amount of fiber.
A *cow*culater. I made it up myself, so don't groan at the pun.
If you're happy and you know it, crap your hands."
They cut off their heads using a Gweilotine.
Trick question, you can't cross a vector and a scalar.
It popped a wheelie.
He cut all his fingers off !